Opening hours: 9-5:30pm / lunch is between 1-2pm / late evenings and Saturdays (by appointment only). Free parking available in Castle Cary.

Bramcote Dental Practice
Woodcock Street, Castle Cary
Somerset BA7 7BJ. View map »

Bramcote Dental Practice, Castle Cary

We would like to take this opportunity of welcoming you to Bramcote Dental Practice. This website is here to tell you about our practice.

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View our CQC Report »

Services available

NHS and private treatment are both available. NHS dental treatment includes all treatment necessary to secure and maintain oral health. We also provide a full range of private treatments for patients who choose to have treatment that is not available under the NHS, for example cosmetic treatment such as tooth whitening.

We may suggest referral to a specialist, if this is appropriate – for example orthodontic treatment, complex root fillings and implants. some specialist treatment is only available privately. Children are always welcome, however young they are. We aim to prevent dental disease rather than treat it at a later date.

It is our practice philosophy to promote dental health at all times. Therefore we recommend regular check ups. It is our policy for each patient to see one dentist on a continuing basis. However, if this is not possible for any reason, suitable alternative arrangements will be made for you to see someone within the practice; please ask our reception staff.

Cosmetic dentistry

If any aspect of your dental appearance concerns you, no matter how trivial it may seem, please do discuss it with us. Simple procedures, for example replacement fillings or tooth whitening can make a huge difference to your smile.


Some people feel nervous about visiting the dentist – we understand. Please discuss your fears with us, and we will do everything we can to help.